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IndiaMART is India’s largest e-commerce marketplace, catering to more than 15 Crore+ Buyers and 72 Lakh+ Suppliers.

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IndiaMART is India’s largest e-commerce marketplace, catering to more than 15 Crore+ Buyers and 72 Lakh+ Suppliers.They are a SAAS based platform acting as bridge between manufacturers and sellers.


Work along site their seller team to improve experience and increase the conversion rate.


IndiaMART Seller team

Working @Prismic Reflections


UI UX Designer


Remote (Mumbai)


Since IndiaMART primary is a bridge between manufacturers and retailers the challenge is to maintain a balance between their target audience while keeping an overall experience grater.


We used data like heat map, Click through rates and drop-off rate to understand where
the user drop off and decode the reason for drop off and figure out a solution for same.

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Website Designed in Figma and Developed in Webflow.